The erstwhile weblog of Brenda Bowen, Literary Agent
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
To do list for this past Columbus Day
Write till noon Dye eyelashes Bike downtown Come up with good book idea Occupy Wall Street Kayak in Hudson Catch Martin Scorsese's Hugo as a work-in-progress
What a great list. I wish I could have done the same (except for the eyelash thing). I loved the book and movie Hugo. I think people underestimate children's interest in history and silent movies if done right.
Lumbago is muscle pain that stabbed or pains, stiffening/limitation of range of motion, or an inability to stand straight. Sometimes the pain is felt in the waist can be spread to other areas of the body. obat sakit pinggang
Brenda Bowen is a literary agent with Sanford J. Greenburger Associates ( and Before that, she was a children's book publisher for many years. This is the archive of her blog.
Our mascot
You know what they say about children's books: It's a bunny eat bunny world.
Good things to know about submitting to Brenda Bowen at Greenburger
Check our website for full details:
Columbus would have been impressed. I certainly am. Dye eyelashes? How do you do that?
Thank you for occupying Wall Street!
I'm a new follower!
Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer
Good for you for occupying, Brenda.
What a great list. I wish I could have done the same (except for the eyelash thing). I loved the book and movie Hugo. I think people underestimate children's interest in history and silent movies if done right.
Lumbago is muscle pain that stabbed or pains, stiffening/limitation of range of motion, or an inability to stand straight. Sometimes the pain is felt in the waist can be spread to other areas of the body. obat sakit pinggang
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