The erstwhile weblog of Brenda Bowen, Literary Agent
Friday, January 21, 2011
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Seen today on Upper Broadway. Between the snow and his expression and the sign -- let there be no mistake: it's the Duck that's not in service -- my heart cracked a little.
Found your blog through Janet Reid and am enjoying poking around this morning. By the by, Garrison Keillor is a real celebrity --- he would tell you so himself. :-) I took a comedy writing class with him at the Univ of Minnesota and no 3-hour class was ever more fun.
I confess, such signage has never stopped me before. My kids will attest to it. In fact, I usually just put 'em on the darn ride and sing my own verse, saving my coins for other more pressing matters. My defense is airtight. They overcharge and should be ashamed.
Brenda, so funny. So are we neighbors? I had a great time taking my photo (though yours was better) because this elderly woman and her caretaker were also cracking up about it. It was one of those delicious New York moments.
Brenda Bowen is a literary agent with Sanford J. Greenburger Associates ( and Before that, she was a children's book publisher for many years. This is the archive of her blog.
Our mascot
You know what they say about children's books: It's a bunny eat bunny world.
Good things to know about submitting to Brenda Bowen at Greenburger
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Found your blog through Janet Reid and am enjoying poking around this morning. By the by, Garrison Keillor is a real celebrity --- he would tell you so himself. :-) I took a comedy writing class with him at the Univ of Minnesota and no 3-hour class was ever more fun.
There is an element of sadness in this picture, as if the ride awaits a child's delight. (Hugs)Indigo
Oh, how sad and precious! I also found your blog through Janet Reid, thank you for your humor and honesty.
Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)
Awwwww! Poor duck. He looks so upset about it too.
I confess, such signage has never stopped me before. My kids will attest to it. In fact, I usually just put 'em on the darn ride and sing my own verse, saving my coins for other more pressing matters. My defense is airtight. They overcharge and should be ashamed.
How come no one made a Cheney joke? Same glowing smile...
Nice shot BB,
so funny. So are we neighbors? I had a great time taking my photo (though yours was better) because this elderly woman and her caretaker were also cracking up about it. It was one of those delicious New York moments.
Thanks for information
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