Graceling: When I found out there was a sequel I almost started hyperventilating.
Down to the Bone: It's a book about lesbianism and I am really really opinionated about that right now.
Gollywhopper Games: I really enjoyed this book, mostly because I never grew out of Roald Dahl.
Airman: We listened to this book on tape while we were driving up to Canada and I thought we'd hear half of it on the way there an half on the way back, but my family and I spent all day listening to this book sitting in the living room of in this really expensive house that we rented instead of going outside.
Little Brother: I rr loved this book. It's very similar to 1984 and I think the government could really do that to you.
The Luxe: I just finished it at 4 AM this morning. The author tells the end of the story first so for once I didn't have to read the end first.
Paper Towns: I'd read John Green and rr liked him but felt he hadn't reached his full potential, but in this book he does reach his full potential.
Ten Cents a Dance: This was an excellent book. I went to the library while I was reading it and found out what taxi-dancers were.
Night Road: Very thought-provoking. A different point of view on vampires. It made you see them as just a different kind of person, not a monster.
Ivy-a-Novel [this is the charming way the two girls who read the book referred to it]: I really liked the dialogue because it was all written in British. And everything's better if it's British.
The Order of Oddfish [The teen who spoke on behalf of this book wore a 3-foot long red-and-white fish hat in its honor]: Incredibly, ridiculously funny. You just don't see books like this very often.
The Graveyard Book: I just read this and I understand now why there were 70 holds on this book.

Tender Morsels: When I read the ending I was like, "That's just mean."
How They Met: This is my favorite book by this author. I wasn't too excited to read it because the only short stories I had read were Metamorphosis which was really boring and something by the guy who wrote Madame Bovary. But I absolutely loved it. It made me decide to write my own collection of short stories.
Hunger Games: You can't really describe this book to anybody so you just have to give it to them and make them read it.
Ink Exchange: Once again Melissa Marr entranced me. This book is just short of addictive. I really loved the reappearance of Seth, who is one of my top fictional boyfriends.

Living Dead Girl: I loved it because it pissed me off.
The Smile: Awesome.
Knife of Never Letting Go: It made me giddy.
Lock and Key: I know some people who have talked about suicide and I can tell them to read this book and it gives them hope.
Can somebody please post a picture of the fish hat that the "Order of Odd-Fish" kid wore? Somehow that is the most marvelous compliment this writer could ask for.
This was great - thx for posting. Love the actual quotes - I can almost here them :)
Thank you for sharing these quotes. I want to read the whole list now.
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